Burns Football Team in Quarantine
Due to COVID-19 quarantines, the Burns Broncs will not play their last two regularly-scheduled games in the 2020 high school football season.
It was announced Monday on Twitter by Burns Athletic Director Barry Ward that the school has to quarantine over the next two weeks, which canceled its games against Newcastle and Torrington.
In an update later Monday afternoon, Ward issued another Tweet that the Newcastle game has been rescheduled.
Ward released a statement to WyoPreps.
“I feel awful for the kids. It has always been about student safety and still is. We are thrilled that Newcastle has agreed to reschedule our game on Oct. 29th and give the kids from both schools an opportunity to play one more game. There are a lot of really good people in this State that are all about kids. These people often go unrecognized but it is a pleasure to be able to work with so many of them.”
The rescheduled game will take place the week of the quarterfinal round of the Wyoming High School football playoffs and is a Thursday night game.
This is the first time a school has lost two games to the coronavirus during the 2020 season. The Newcastle-Buffalo and Powell-Douglas games were canceled due to COVID-19 earlier this year, but all of those teams played the next week. A few other teams have had COVID-related issues combined with injuries that have led to some forfeits or reduced numbers during games.