The spring season for Wyoming High School Athletics will end this week so the student-athletes around the state have been gearing up for these culminating events. There was a slew of regional track meets, plus some very important soccer matches and softball games.

As always, if you have some photos to share, we'll gladly take them, Just use the WyoPreps mobile app or email them to Once again, a huge tip of the hat to all our contributing photographers for their fantastic work. Enjoy and look for someone you know!

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Wyoming High School Sports Pics of the Week: May 8-11

Wyoming High School Sports Pics of the Week: May 8-11

Gallery Credit: Alecia Banker, Upton Booster Club, Kelly Milam, Kellie Jo Allison, Christina Spindler-Berta, Mark Ryzewicz, Scott Ramsey, Greg Wise,

Wyoming High School Soccer
Photo Courtesy: Jolie Fay

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