Wyoming Legion Baseball Returns for a Full Season in 2021
American Legion Baseball is back! The 2021 season starts this weekend and continues into August.
After a bit of a different 2020 season, teams and legion personnel are to have more of a normal season this year.
The Double-A (‘AA’) level of American Legion baseball in Wyoming will consist of the same eight teams.
Casper, Evanston, Jackson, and Rock Springs are in the West Division. Cheyenne, Gillette, Laramie, and Sheridan will be in the East Division.
All conference games in 2021 will be a home and home series that will feature two 7-inning games as part of a doubleheader. All teams will play 12 conference games to determine their seeding at the state tournament.
The state tournament will be held at Cowboy Field in Laramie, July 26-30, 2021.

At the winter meetings, the rotation for the AA state tournament was announced. Evanston will have it in 2022, followed by Sheridan in 2023, Jackson in 2024, Casper in 2025, Cheyenne in 2026, Gillette in 2027, and Rock Springs in 2028.
Gillette will be hosting the 'AA' Pacific Northwest Regional at Hladky Stadium on August 3-8, 2021. The tournament will host state champions from Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, two from Washington, Wyoming, and the host team, the Gillette Riders.
The Single-A (‘A’) level of legion baseball will have 12 teams in four divisions. The Northeast is Casper, Douglas, and Riverton. The Southeast will be the Cheyenne Hawks, Torrington, and Wheatland. The Northwest Division has Cody, Lovell, and Powell. The Southwest Division is Buffalo, Rawlins, and Green River. Buffalo joined American Legion baseball in Wyoming late and had to be moved into the Southwest for just one year.
All teams will play the other two from their division in conference games. These will be home and home series with two 7-inning games as part of a twin bill. All teams will play eight conference games. Those will determine the seeding at the District Tournaments.
There will be two District Tournaments on July 16-18, 2021. Those will be 6-team, double-elimination brackets, to determine the four teams from each side of the state that will advance to the ‘A’ state tournament. The East District Tournament will be in Wheatland, while the West District Tournament is in Lovell.
The Single-A state tournament will be in Cheyenne at Powers Field on July 24-28, 2021. The Cheyenne Hawks receive an automatic bid to the state tournament as the host team. The ‘A’ state tournament is on a rotation between east and west. The ‘West’ will host in 2022. The 'A' state champion will attend the NWCART in Alaska this August.
Coaches at the Single-A level also agreed to play an All-Star game. That contest will be played one week after the state tournament.
Both the ‘AA’ and ‘A’ levels will use the Regional/National Modified double-elimination bracket.
The ‘B’ legion baseball state tournament will be in Gillette on July 15-19, 2021. The Gillette Rustlers receive an automatic berth as the host team. All ‘B’ level players must be born in 2004 or after.
The ‘C’ level legion baseball state tournament will be in Rock Springs on July 15-19, 2021. Rock Springs gets an automatic berth as the host team. All ‘C’ level players must be born in 2006 or after.
Both of those levels will use a standard double-elimination bracket to determine their champion.
The roster deadline for teams in Wyoming is June 20, while the national legion deadline is July 1, 2021.
Wyoming American Legion baseball is taking applications for its Hall of Fame. You can find the application at wyolegionbaseball.com. The deadline to submit a nomination is June 15.
It’s time to play ball!
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