Two new No. 1 ranked teams are featured in the latest edition of the WyoPreps Coaches and Media Basketball Polls revealed Wednesday. Class 1A girls and 4A boys have the new top-ranked teams. Upton tops the poll in 1A girls, and Sheridan took over the top spot in 4A boys. A lot of shuffling occurred in this week’s poll. The only new teams in this week’s rankings held a spot previously, so they rejoined the top five. There was also a tie in 1A girls.


Here are the class breakdowns for the girls’ poll. The complete voting breakdown is below.

Class 1A:

1 = Upton

2 = Cokeville

3 = Lingle-Ft. Laramie

T4 = Burlington

T4 = Southeast

Class 2A:

1 = Tongue River

2 = Pine Bluffs

3 = Rocky Mountain

4 = Wyoming Indian

5 = Sundance

Class 3A:

1 = Pinedale

2 = Douglas

3 = Cody

4 = Wheatland

5 = Powell

Class 4A:

1 = East

2 = Central

3 = Sheridan

4 = Campbell County

5 = Green River

Click the button below to see the final voting breakdown:

WyoPreps gave every head coach in each classification and media from around the state a chance to vote in the rankings for Week 6 of the 2024-25 season.

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Here are the class breakdowns for the boys’ poll. The complete voting breakdown is below.

Class 1A:

1 = Lingle-Ft. Laramie

2 = Upton

3 = Cokeville

4 = Lusk

5 = Southeast

Class 2A:

1 = Thermopolis

2 = Wright

3 = Wyoming Indian

4 = Pine Bluffs

5 = Sundance

Class 3A:

1 = Lovell

2 = Powell

3 = Cody

4 = Douglas

5 = Lander

Class 4A:

1 = Sheridan

2 = Laramie

3 = Thunder Basin

4 = Evanston

5 = Campbell County

Click the button below to see the final voting breakdown:

WyoPreps gave every head coach in each classification and media from around the state a chance to vote in Week 6 of the 2024-25 season.

Big Horn Basin Classic Basketball-Girls

Big Horn Basin Classic Basketball-Girls

Gallery Credit: James Yule

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